Technical Solutions
Specifications for XML interfaces
You provide us with a defined number of advertisements for publication on our platforms via XML feed.
Please create the XML feed according to our specifications and send it to us. Your XML feed will be retrieved at regular intervals via HTTP(S) (pull method). All identified listings are imported into the system. Advertisements that are no longer listed in the XML feed are automatically stopped.
Incoming and quality control (EQK)
For advertisements to go online on our platforms, they must meet certain criteria and contain specific information. This categorization is essential for the search results on the platforms as well as for matching with potential candidates. “EQK-resistant” means that all necessary fields are correctly filled in and transmitted via an XML feed. If information is missing, the advertisements are sent to the control pool of our incoming and quality control department. Our employees have to manually check, complete and approve the advertisements individually (working hours on weekdays, 06.00 – 19.00). This additional work can delay publication by several hours and incurs additional costs. If the XML feed is delivered in full, the additional work and costs are eliminated. The advertisements go online without any detours.
Example of an optimal structure of an EQK-resistant XML feed (incl. salary information, Template Plus and offer ID):
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″ ?>
Other optional fields:
If you have any further questions, please visit our FAQ or contact us:
Team Product Support
P +41 44 254 69 09
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | – |
Field name in XML feed | ORGANISATIONID |
Transmission details | Integer |
Required field | Yes |
Description | Customer number at (specified by |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | – |
Field name in XML feed | INSERATID |
Transmission details | String, max. 64 Bytes (≈ approx. 64 Characters) |
Required field | Yes |
Description | A unique ID for the advertisement (defined by the external Applicant Tracking System) |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Job title |
Field name in XML feed | BERUF |
Transmission details | String, max. 100 Bytes (≈ approx. 100 Characters) |
Required field | Yes |
Description | Job title |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Text |
Field name in XML feed | TEXT |
Transmission details | Text min. 100 Characters Supported tags: <a>, <b>, <br>, <em>, <h1> to <h6>, <li>, <p>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol>, <u> Important: <h1> to <h2> are displayed with font size 20px and <h3> to <h6> with 18px. |
Required field | Yes |
Description | Advertisement text (tasks, requirements, contact, etc.) |
<ORT> </ORT>
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Work location |
Field name in XML feed | ORT |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters) |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Place of work/region of vacancy |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Work region |
Field name in XML feed | REGION |
Transmission details | A maximum of 2 regions may be transmitted (separated by colons, e.g. :4: or :4:5:) Example: <REGION>:4:5:</REGION> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | The region in which the vacancy is advertised |
Click here for the value list of the REGION
ID Parent | ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
0 | 1 | Deutschschweiz | German part of Switzerland | Suisse alémanique | Svizzera tedesca |
1 | 2 | Region Zürich / Schaffhausen | Region of Zurich / Schaffhausen | Région Zurich / Schaffhouse | Regione Zurigo / Sciaffusa |
2 | 3 | Stadt Zürich / Zürichsee | City of Zurich / Lake Zurich | Ville de Zurich / Lac de Zurich | Città di Zurigo / Lago di Zurigo |
2 | 4 | Zürcher Oberland | Zurich Oberland | Oberland zurichois | Oberland Zurighese |
2 | 5 | Zürcher Unterland / Limmattal | Zurich Unterland / Limmattal | Unterland zurichois / Limmattal | Unterland Zurighese / Limmattal |
2 | 6 | Region Winterthur / Schaffhausen | Region of Winterthur / Schaffhausen | Région Winterthour / Schaffhouse | Regione Winterthur / Sciaffusa |
1 | 7 | Region Ostschweiz / GR / FL | Eastern Switzerland / GR / FL | Région Suisse orientale / GR / FL | Regione Svizzera Orientale / GR / FL |
1 | 8 | Region Mittelland (AG, SO) | Mittelland (AG, SO) | Région Moyen-Pays (AG, SO) | Regione Mittelland Svizzero (AG, SO) |
1 | 9 | Region Bern | Region of Bern | Région Berne | Regione Berna |
1 | 10 | Region Basel | Region of Basel | Région Bâle | Regione Basilea |
1 | 11 | Region Zentralschweiz | Central Switzerland | Région Suisse centrale | Regione Svizzera Centrale |
0 | 12 | Westschweiz | Western Switzerland | Suisse romande | Svizzera Occidentale |
0 | 13 | Tessin | Ticino | Tessin | Ticino |
0 | 14 | Ausland | Abroad | Etranger | Estero |
1 | 15 | Region Oberwallis | Region of Oberwallis | Haut-Valais | Regione Obvaldo |
12 | 16 | Region Genf | Region of Geneva | Région Genève | Regione Ginevra |
12 | 17 | Region Neuchâtel / Jura | Region of Neuchâtel / Jura | Région Neuchâtel / Jura | Regione Neuchâtel / Giura |
12 | 18 | Region Fribourg | Region of Fribourg | Région Fribourg | Regione Friburgo |
12 | 19 | Region Waadt / Unterwallis | Region of Vaud / Valais | Région Vaud / Valais | Regione Vaud / Untervaldo |
7 | 20 | Wil / Toggenburg | Wil / Toggenburg | Wil / Toggenburg | Wil / Toggenburg |
7 | 21 | Thurgau / Bodensee | Thurgau / Lake Constance | Thurgovie / Lac de Constance | Turgovia / Lago di Costanza |
7 | 22 | St. Gallen / Appenzell | St Gall / Appenzell | St. Gall / Appenzell | San Gallo / Appenzello |
7 | 23 | Rheintal / FL / Sargans / Linth | Rheintal / FL / Sargans / Linth | Rheintal / FL / Sargans / Linth | Rheintal / FL / Sargans / Linth |
7 | 24 | Graubünden | Graubünden | Grison | Grigioni |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Professional/occupational group |
Field name in XML feed | RUBRIKID |
Transmission details | RUBRIKID and POSITION are coupled. These fields require a correct and equal number of values. With RUBRIKID, values of the third level (not shown in bold) must be used. Do not use ID Parent. No more than two values may be entered (separated by colons, e.g. :12: or :12:43:). Example: <RUBRIKID>:12:43:</RUBRIKID> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | The specialist area of the vacancy |
Click here for the value list RUBRIKID
Highlighted values are for overview purposes only and are not taken into account by
ID Parent | ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
0 | 1 | Kaufmännisch | Commercial | Commercial | Commerciale |
1 | 2 | Administration/HR/Consulting/CEO | Admin./HR/Consulting/CEO | Admin./RH/Consulting/CEO | Amministrazione/HR/Consulenza/CEP |
2 | 154 | CEO/Geschäftsführung | CEO/Management | Direction générale/Chef d’équipe | Direzione/CEO |
2 | 3 | Sekretariat/Empfang | Secretary/Reception | Secrétariat/Réception | Centralino |
2 | 2022 | Direktionsassistenz | Management Assistance | Assistance direction | Assistenza di direzione |
2 | 155 | Sachbearbeitung/Sprachübersetzung | Processing/Language Translation | Employé de commerce/Traduction | Gestione pratiche/Traduzione |
2 | 4 | Personalwesen/-entwicklung | HR Management/Development | Gestion du personnel/Formation | Risorse umane/sviluppo del personale |
2 | 5 | Personalvermittlung/-beratung | Personnel Placement/Consultancy | Recrutement/Placement de personnel | Ricerca/Consulenza del personale |
2 | 6 | Beratung/Unternehmensentwicklung | Consultancy/Company Development | Consultances d’entreprises | Consulenza aziendale |
2 | 2023 | Qualitätsmanagement | Quality Management | Management qualité | Gestione della qualità |
2 | 7 | Juristen/Anwälte/Gericht | Legal/Attorneys/Court | Juridique/Droit/Tribunal | Giuristi/avvocati/tribunale |
2 | 8 | Regulatory Affairs | Regulatory Affairs | Regulatory Affairs | Regulatory Affairs |
1 | 9 | Finanzen/Treuhand/Immobilien | Finance/Trusts/Real Estate | Finance/Fiduciaire/Immobilier | Finanze/Ammin. fiduciaria/Immobili |
9 | 10 | Audit/Revision/Wirtschaftsprüfung | Auditing/Revision/Auditing | Audit/Révision/Expertise comptable | Auditing/Revisione contabile |
9 | 11 | Buchhaltung | Accounting | Comptabilité | Contabilità |
9 | 2024 | Finanz-/Rechnungswesen | Finance | Finance | Finanza |
9 | 12 | Controlling | Controlling | Controlling | Controlling |
9 | 13 | Immobilien Handel/Bewirtschaftung | Real Estate Management/Trade | Courtage immobilier/Gérance | Gestione degli immobili |
9 | 14 | Inkasso | Collection Services | Recouvrements | Incasso |
9 | 15 | Lohnbuchhaltung | Payroll Accounting | Payroll | Contabilità paghe |
9 | 16 | Steuern | Tax | Impôts/Fiscalité | Fiscale |
9 | 17 | Treuhand | Trusts | Fiduciaire | Fiduciaria |
1 | 20 | Banking/Versicherungswesen | Banking/Insurance | Banques/Assurances | Banking/assicurazioni |
20 | 21 | Anlageberatung/Private Banking | Investment Cons./Private Banking | Conseils placement/Private Banking | Consulenza finanziaria/Privat Banking |
20 | 22 | Asset/Portfolio Management | Asset/Portfolio Management | Portfolio Manag./Gestion fortune | Asset/Portfolio Management |
20 | 23 | Back-Office/Zahlungsverkehr | Back-Office/Operations | Back-Office/Trafic paiement | Back office/pagamenti |
20 | 24 | Finanz-/Business Analyse | Financial/Business Analysis | Analyses financ./commerciales | Analisi finanziaria/commerciale |
20 | 25 | Fonds/Wertschriften/Handel | Funds/Stocks/Trade | Fonds/Titres/Marchés financiers | Fondi/Titoli/Commercio |
20 | 26 | Kredit/Hypotheken | Loans/Mortgages | Crédits/Hypothèques | Crediti/Ipoteche |
20 | 27 | Kundenberatung/Relationship Mgmt | Customer Service/Relationship Mgmt | Conseils clientèle/Relationship mgmt | Assistenza alla clientela/Relationship. Mgmt. |
20 | 28 | Risk Mgmt/Compliance | Risk Management/Compliance | Gestion risques/Compliance | Risk Mgmt/Compliance |
20 | 29 | Treasury/Controlling/Audit | Treasury/Controlling/Auditing | Treasury/Controlling/Audit | Treasury/Controlling/Audit |
20 | 150 | Projekt Management | Project Management | Project Management | Project Management |
20 | 30 | Versicherung: Agenturen | Insurance Agencies | Agences d’assurances | Assicurazione: agenzie |
20 | 31 | Versicherung: Akquisition/Beratung | Insurance: Customer Acquisition/Sales | Assurance: Acquisition/Conseil | Assicurazione: acquisizione/consulenza |
20 | 32 | Aktuariat/Mathematik | Actuary/Mathematics | Actuaire/Mathématique | Attuariato/matematica |
20 | 33 | Versicherung: Schaden/Leistungen | Insurance: Claims/Benefits | Assurances: Dommages/Prestations sinistres | Assicurazione: Sinistri/Prestazioni |
20 | 34 | Underwriting/Product Mgmt | Underwriting/Product Management | Underwriting/Product Mgmt | Underwriting/Product Mgmt |
1 | 35 | Einkauf/Logistik/Trading | Purchasing/Logistics/Trading | Achats/Logistique/Trading | Acquisti/Logistica/Trading |
35 | 37 | Einkauf/Procurement | Purchasing/Procurement | Achats/Approvisionnement | Acquisti/Procurement |
35 | 38 | Logistik/Supply Chain | Logistics/Supply Chain | Logistique/Supply Chain | Logistica/Supply Chain |
35 | 39 | Import/Export/Trading | Import/Export/Trading | Import/Export/Trading | Import/Export/Trading |
1 | 40 | Marketing/Kommunikation/Redaktion | Marketing/Communications/Editorial | Marketing/Communication/Rédaction | Marketing/Comunicazione/Redazione |
40 | 36 | Produkt-/Brand Management | Product-/Brand Management | Produit/Brand Management | Product-/Brand-Management |
40 | 2025 | Online Marketing/Social Media | Online Marketing/Social Media | Online Marketing/Social Media | Online Marketing/Social Media |
40 | 41 | Marketing/Direktmarketing | Marketing/Direct Marketing | Marketing/Marketing direct | Marketing/marketing diretto |
40 | 42 | Werbeberatung/-kommunikation | Advertising Consultancy/Communications | Publicité | Cons. pubblicitaria/Comunicazione |
40 | 43 | PR/Corporate Communications | PR/Corporate Communications | PR/Communication d’entreprise | PR/Corporate Communications |
40 | 44 | Medien/Redaktion/Verlagswesen | Media/Editorial/Publishing | Media/Rédaction/Edition | Media/Redazione/Editoria |
1 | 45 | Verkauf/Kundendienst/Innendienst | Sales/Customer Service/Admin. | Vente/Service après-vente/interne | Vendita/assist. clienti/Servizio interno |
45 | 46 | Telefonverkauf/Telesale | Telesale | Vente téléphone/Telesales | Vendita telefonica/Telesale |
45 | 47 | Verkauf Detailhandel | Sales Retail Trade | Vente au détail | Vendita commercio al dettaglio |
45 | 48 | Verkauf Beratung/Management | Sales Consulting/Management | Vente Consulting/Management | Vendita Consulenze/Management |
45 | 2026 | Verkauf Aussendienst/Spezialisten | External Sales/Specialists | Vente externe/Spécialistes | Vendita servizio esterno/Specialisti |
45 | 156 | Kundenberatung/Key Account Mgmt | Customer Advice/Key Account Mgmt | Conseil clientèle/Key Account Mgmt | Consulenza alla clientela/Key Account Mgmt |
45 | 49 | Verkauf Innendienst/Back-Office | Internal Sales Service/Back-office | Vente interne/Back-Office | Vendita servizio interno/Back office |
45 | 50 | Kundendienst/Call Center | Customer Service/Call Center | Service clients/Call Center | Assistenza clienti/Call center |
45 | 51 | Category Management | Category Management | Category Management | Category Management |
0 | 52 | Technisch | Technical | Technique | Tecnici |
52 | 53 | Informatik/Telekommunikation | Information Technology/Telecom. | Informatique (IT)/Télécomm. | Informatica/Telecomunicazioni |
53 | 54 | Testing/Audit/Security | Testing/Audit/Security | Testing/Audit/Securité | Testing/Audit/Security |
53 | 55 | Beratung/Wirtschaftsinformatik | Consultancy/Business Informatics | Conseil /Informatique commerciale | Consulenza/informatica economica |
53 | 56 | Datenbank Spezialisten/Entwicklung | Database Specialists/Development | Base données/Développement | Progettazione Database |
53 | 57 | Netzwerk Spezialisten/Engineers | Network Specialists/Engineers | Spécialiste réseaux/Ingénieur | Sistemisti/Amministr. reti network/Ingenieri |
53 | 58 | Projekt Management/Analyse | Project Management/Analysis | Project Management/Analyse | Project Management/Analisi |
53 | 2027 | Software Architektur/Engineering | Software Architecture/Engineering | Architecture software/Engineering | Architettura software/Engineering |
53 | 59 | Software Programmierung | Software Development | Développement software | Sviluppo software |
53 | 2028 | Web Programmierung/Mobile | Web Programming/Mobile | Développement web/mobile | Programmazione web/mobile |
53 | 157 | Web Publishing/Design | Web Publishing/Design | Web Publishing/Design | Web Publishing/Design |
53 | 60 | System Engineering | System Engineering | Développement système | Sistemistica |
53 | 2029 | System Administration | System Administration | System Administration | Amministrazione die sistema |
53 | 61 | User Help Desk/Support/Training | User Help Desk/Support/Training | Support utilisateur/Help Desk/Formation | User Help Desk/Support/Training |
52 | 66 | Chemie/Pharma/Biotechnologie | Chemical/Pharma/Biotechnology | Chimie/Pharma/Biotechnologie | Chimica/Farmaceutico/Biotecnologie |
66 | 67 | Apotheken/Drogerien | Pharmacy/Drug Stores | Pharmacie/Droguerie | Farmacie/Erboristerie |
66 | 68 | Biologie/Biotechnologie | Biology/Biotechnology | Biologie/Biotechnologie | Biologia/Biotecnologie |
66 | 69 | Chemie F+E/Analytik/Produktion | Chemical R+D/Analysis/Production | Chimie R+D/Analyse/Production | Chimica Analitica/RicercaSviluppo |
66 | 70 | Pharma F+E/Analytik/Produktion | Pharmaceutical R+D/Analysis/Production | Pharma R+D/Analyse/Production | Ricerca & Sviluppo Farmaceutico/Analisi/Produzione |
66 | 71 | Qualiätswesen/-management | Quality Assurance/Management | Gestion/Management Qualité | Gestione qualità |
52 | 72 | Elektronik/Technik/Uhren | Electronics/Engineering/Watches | Electronique/Technique/Horlogerie | Elettronica/Orologeria/Tecnica |
72 | 73 | Elektronik/Elektrotechnik | Electronics/Electrotechnics | Electronique/Electrotechnique | Elettronica/Elettrotechnica |
72 | 75 | Mechanik/Feinmechanik/Uhren | Mechanics/Precision Engin./Watchmakers | Electronique/Electrotechnique | Meccanica/Mecc. precisione/Orologeria |
72 | 77 | Werkzeugbau | Tool Engineering | Construction d’outillage | Costruzione utensili |
72 | 78 | Medizinaltechnik | Medical Equipment Engineering | Medical equipment engineering | Tecnica medicale |
72 | 79 | Energie-/Gebäude-/Haustechnik | Energy/Building Engineering | Energie/Technique du bâtiment | Tecnica edilizia/degli impianti domestici |
72 | 2032 | Kundendienst/Beratung | Customer Service | Service clients | Servizio clienti |
72 | 151 | Servicetechnik | Technical Service | Service technique | Servizio technico |
72 | 80 | Qualitätswesen/-management | Quality Assurance/Management | Contrôle/Management Qualité | Gestione qualità |
52 | 81 | Maschinen-/Anlagenbau/Produktion | Machine/Plant Engin./Manufacturing | Machines/Installations/Production | Meccanica/Impiantistica/Produzione |
81 | 82 | Anlagen-/Apparatebau | Plant/Device Engineering | Installations/Appareils | Impiantistica/Costruzione apparecchi |
81 | 83 | Automation/Verfahrenstechnik | Automation/Process Engineering | Automation/Agent de méthodes | Automazione/Tecnologia di processo |
81 | 84 | Konstruktion | Construction | Construction | Costruzione |
81 | 76 | CNC-Mechanik/Polymechanik | CNC Mechanics/Polymechanics | Mécanique CNC/Polymécanique | Meccanica CNC/Polimeccanica |
81 | 85 | Maschinenbau | Machine Building/Engineering | Construction de machines | Ingegneria meccanica |
81 | 86 | Produktion/Fertigung/Montage | Manufacturing/Production Industry | Production/Finition/Montage | Produzione/Fabbricazione/Montaggio |
81 | 87 | Servicetechnik/Wartung | Maintenance/Servicing | Service technique/Entretien | Assistenza clienti/Manutenzione |
81 | 88 | Qualitätswesen/-management | Quality Assurance/Management | Contrôle/Management Qualité | Gestione qualità |
52 | 89 | Bau/Architektur/Engineering | Construction/Architecture/Engineer | Constr./Architecture/Engineering | Edilizia/Architettura/Progettazione |
89 | 90 | Architektur/Bauplanung/Zeichner | Architecture/Technical Drawing/Planning | Architecture/Dessin/Planification | Architettura/Progettazione edilizia/Disegnazione |
89 | 91 | Innenarchitektur/Dekoration | Interior Design/Decoration | Architecture d’intérieur/Décoration | Architettura interni/Decorazione |
89 | 92 | Gartenbau/Landschaftsarchitektur | Gardening/Landscape Architecture | Paysagisme/Horticulture/Environnement | Giardinaggio/Architettura del paesaggio |
89 | 93 | Bauleitung/Bauingenieure/AVOR | Civil Engineering/Supervision | Direction de chantier/Ingénieur construction | Direzione dei lavori/Ingegneria civile/Preparazione del lavo |
89 | 94 | Baupersonal/Gerüstbau/Maschinen | Construction Work/Scaffolding/Machinery | Ouvriers bâtiment/Machinistes/Echafaudage | Macchinisti/Operai edili |
89 | 95 | Bauspengler/Dachdecker | Plumbing/Roofing | Couverture/Ferblanterie | Lattonieri/Conciatetti |
89 | 2030 | Metall/Fassadenbau | Metal Construction | Construction métallique | Metalcostruttori |
89 | 2031 | Holzbau/Zimmermann | Wood Construction | Construction bois | Costruzione in legno |
89 | 96 | Boden-/Plattenleger | Floor Laying/Paving | Poseur de sol/Carreleur | Pavimentatori/Piastrellisti |
89 | 97 | Sanitär Planung/Montage | Sanitary Engineering/Installation | Sanitaire Planification/Montage | Impianti sanitari |
89 | 98 | Maler/Gipser | Painting/Plastering | Peintre/Plâtrier | Imbianchini/Stuccatori |
89 | 99 | Maurer | Bricklaying | Maçon | Muratori |
89 | 74 | Elektro Planung/Montage | Electricity Engineering/Installation | Electricité Planification/Montage | Elettrotecnica/-meccanica |
89 | 100 | Heizung/Lüftung/Klima Planung/Montage | Heating/Ventilation/Climate | Chauffage/Ventilation/Clima./Planific./Montage | Riscaldamento/Climatizzazione/Ventilazione |
52 | 101 | Fahrzeuge/Handwerk/Lager/Transport | Vehicles/Craft/Warehouse/Transport | Véhicules/Artisanat/Dépot/Transport | Veicoli/Artigianato/Deposito/Trasporti |
101 | 102 | Fahrzeugmechanik/-diagnostik | Vehicle Mechanics/Diagnostics | Mécanique véhicules/Diagnostic | Automeccanica/-diagnostica |
101 | 103 | Carosseriespengler/Lackierer | Vehicle Body Engineering/Varnishing | Carrossier/Peintre carrosserie | Lattonieri da carrozzeria/Verniciatori |
101 | 104 | Metallhandwerk | Metal Crafts | Artisanat métal | Artigianato metallo |
101 | 105 | Holzhandwerk | Wood Crafts | Artisanat bois | Artigianato legno |
101 | 106 | Land-/Forstwirtschaft | Agriculture/Forestry | Agriculteur/Forestier | Agricoltura/Silvicoltura |
101 | 19 | Facility Management/Reinigung | Facility Management/Cleaning | Facility Management/Nettoyage | Facility Management |
101 | 107 | Textil/Schneider | Textile/Dressmaking/Tailoring | Textile/Tailleur | Tessile/Sarti |
101 | 108 | Lager | Storage | Magasinier/Stock | Magazzino |
101 | 109 | Personentransport Flug/See/Zug/Strasse | Transport AIr/Sea/Rail/Road | Transport aérien/maritime/ferroviaire/routier | Trasporti aeri/maritimi/ferroviari/stradali |
0 | 110 | Dienstleistung | Service | Service | Servizi |
110 | 111 | Medizin/Pflege/Therapie | Medicine/Care/Therapy | Médecine/Soins/Thérapie | Medicina/Assistenza/Terapia |
111 | 112 | Hebammen | Midwifery | Sage-femme | Ostetriche |
111 | 1282 | Labor/Analyse | Laboratory/Analysis | Laboratoire/Analyse | Laboratorio / Analisi |
111 | 1283 | Ärzte – Assistenz-/Fach-/Oberärzte | Doctors/Interns | Médecins – adjoints/chefs/spécialisés | Dottori / Chirurghi / Assistenti in Medicina |
111 | 113 | Med. Praxisassistenz/Sekretariat | Med. Assistant/Admin | Secrétariat/Assistanat médical | Segretarie/Aiuto Medico |
111 | 114 | Radiologie | Radiology | Radiologie | Radiologia |
111 | 115 | Akutpflege | Nursing | Soins aigus | Cura acuta |
111 | 116 | Langzeitpflege | Geriatrics | Soins de longue durée/palliatifs | Cura di lunga durata |
111 | 117 | Psychologie/Psychiatrie | Psychology/Psychiatry | Psychologie/Psychiatrie | Psicologia/Psichiatria |
111 | 118 | Therapie/Orthopädie | Therapy | Thérapie | Terapia |
111 | 119 | Tiermedizin | Veterinary Medicine | Vétérinaire | Medicina veterinaria |
110 | 120 | Verwaltung/Bildung/Soziales | Public Admin./Education/Social | Administration/Formation/Social | Amministrazione/Istruzione/Servizi sociali |
120 | 121 | Oeffentliche Verwaltung | Public Administration | Administration publique | Pubblica amministrazione |
120 | 122 | Wissenschaft/Forschung | Science/Research | Science/Recherche | Scienza/Ricerca |
120 | 123 | Lehrer/Dozenten | Teaching/Lecturing | Enseignement/Chargé de cours | Insegnanti/Docenti |
120 | 124 | Sozial-/Heilpädagogen | Social/Remedial Education | Pédagogue Social/Santé | Pedagoghi sociali |
120 | 125 | Sozial-/Jugendarbeit | Social/Youth Work | Educateur Spécialisé/Social | Assistenza sociale/Servizi giovani |
120 | 2033 | NGO/NPO/Hilfswerke | NGO/NPO/Charity | ONG/Bénévolat | ONG/Volontariato/Carità |
110 | 126 | Gastronomie/Lebensmittel/Tourismus | Catering/Food/Tourism | Restauration/Alimentation/Tourisme | Gastronomia/Alimentari/Turismo |
126 | 127 | Betriebsführung/-administration | Administration/Management | Direction/Administration | Gestione/Amministrazione aziendale |
126 | 128 | Küche | Cooking/Cuisine | Cuisine | Cucina |
126 | 129 | Service/Bar | Service/Bar | Service/Bar | Service/Bar |
126 | 131 | Metzger/Bäcker/Konditor/Käser | Butcher/Baker/Pastry Chef/Cheese Maker | Boucher/Boulanger/Confiseur/Fromager | Macellai/Panettieri/Pasticcieri/Casaro |
126 | 132 | Lebensmitteltechnologie/-ingenieure | Food Engineering/Technology | Technologie agro-alimentaire/Ingénieur | Tecnologia/Ingegneria alimentare |
126 | 133 | Réception/Portier/Concierge | Front Desk/Porter | Réception/Portier/Concierge | Reception/Portierato |
126 | 134 | Zimmer/Lingerie/Hauswirtschaft | Room Service/Cleaning/Housekeeping | Gouvernante/Blanchisserie/Housekeeping | Camere/Lingerie/Economia domestica |
126 | 135 | Reiseberatung/Reiseleitung | Travel Agencies/Tour Guiding | Agent de voyage/Guide touristique | Consulenza viaggi/Guide turistiche |
110 | 136 | Grafik/Typografie/Druck | Graphic Art/Typography/Printing | Graphisme/Typographie/Impression | Grafica/Tipografia/Stampa |
136 | 137 | Drucker | Printing | Imprimeur | Tipografi |
136 | 138 | Grafik/Design | Graphic Art/Design | Graphisme/Design | Grafica/Design |
136 | 139 | Typografie/Polygrafie | Typography/Polygraphy | Typographie/Polygraphie | Tipografia/Poligrafia |
110 | 140 | Bewachung/Polizei/Zoll/Rettung | Surveillance/Police/Customs/Rescue | Surveillance/Police/Sauvetage | Sorveglianza/Polizia/Dogana/Soccorso |
140 | 141 | Bewachung/Kontrolle/Sicherheit | Surveillance/Control/Security | Surveillance/Contrôle/Sécurité | Sorveglianza/Controllo/Sicurezza |
140 | 142 | Polizei/Militär | Police/Military | Police/Militaire | Polizia/Militari |
140 | 143 | Rettung Sanität/Feuerwehr | Rescue/Fire Services | Sauvetage/Secours/Pompier | Soccorso Ambulanze/Vigili del fuoco |
140 | 144 | Zoll/Grenzkontrolle | Customs/Border Control | Douanier/Garde-frontière | Dogana/Controllo alla frontiera |
110 | 145 | Sport/Wellness/Kultur | Sport/Spas&Wellness/Culture | Sport/Wellness/Culture | Sport/Wellness/Cultura |
145 | 146 | Coiffeur/Kosmetik | Hairdressing/Cosmetics | Coiffure/Esthétique | Parrucchieri/Cosmetica |
145 | 147 | Massage/Sport/Wellness | Massage/Sport/Spas&Wellness | Massage/Sport/Wellness | Massaggi/Sport/Wellness |
145 | 2034 | Kultur/Unterhaltung | Culture/Entertainment | Culture/Divertissement | Cultura/Intrattenimento |
145 | 2035 | MuseumKunst/Kunsthandwerk | Museum/Arts/Crafts | Museé/Art/Artisanat | Museo/Arte/Artigianato |
145 | 2036 | Mode/Film/Theater/Radio | Fashion/Film/Theater/Radio | Mode/Film/Théâtre/Radio | Moda/Film/Teatro/Radio |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Position |
Field name in XML feed | POSITION |
Transmission details | POSITION and RUBRIKID are linked. These fields require the correct and equal number of values. No more than two values may be entered (separated by colons, e.g. :2: or :2:2:). Example: <POSITION>:2:2:</POSITION> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | The position of the vacancy |
Click here for the value list of the POSITION
ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
1 | Führungsposition | Executive position | Cadre dirigeant | Dirigenti |
2 | Fachverantwortung | Position with responsibilities | Poste à responsabilités | Responsabili di settore |
3 | Mitarbeiter | Employee | Employé | Impiegati |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Area of specialisation |
Field name in XML feed | BRANCHE |
Transmission details | A maximum of one value may be transmitted (no colons required) Example: <BRANCHE>4</BRANCHE> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | The sector in which the company operates |
Click here for the value list BRANCHE
ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
1 | Banken/ Finanzinstitute | Banking/Financial institutions | Banques/Instituts financiers | Banche/ istituti finanziari |
2 | Baugewerbe/Immobilien | Building trade/Real estate | Construction/Immobilier | Edilizia/Immobiliare |
3 | Beratung diverse | Consulting various | Conseils divers | Consulenza varie |
4 | Bildungswesen | Education | Formation | Istruzione |
5 | Chemie/Pharma | Chemicals/Pharmaceuticals | Chimie/Pharma | Chimica/farmaceutico |
6 | Detail-/Grosshandel | Retail trade/Wholesaling | Commerce de détail/en gros | Commercio al dettaglio/all’ingrosso |
7 | Dienstleistungen allgemein | Service sector in general | Services en général | Servizi generale |
8 | Energie-/Wasserwirtschaft | Utilities | Energie/Gestion de l’eau | Energia/Acqua |
9 | Gastgewerbe/Hotellerie | Catering/Hotel | Hôtellerie/Restauration | Ristorazione/Industria alberghiera |
10 | Gesundheits-/Sozialwesen | Health care/Social services | Santé/Soins | Servizi sanitari/Sociali |
11 | Gewerbe/Handwerk allgemein | Commercial operation/Skilled crafts | Industrie/Artisanat | Piccola industria/Artigianato generale |
12 | Industrie diverse | Industry various | Industrie divers | Industria varie |
13 | Informatik/Telekommunikation | Information technology/Telecom. | Informatique/Télécommunication | Informatica/Telecomunicazioni |
14 | Land-/Forstwirtschaft/Holz | Agriculture/Forestry/Wood | Agriculteur/Forestier/bois | Agricoltura/Silvicoltura/legnami |
15 | Medien/Druckerei/Verlage | Media/Printing/Publishing | Médias/Imprimerie/Edition | Media/Tipografia/Editoria |
16 | Öffentl. Verwaltung/ Verbände | Public administration/Associations | Admin. publique/Association | Pubblica amministrazione/ Associazioni |
17 | Tourismus/Reisen/Freizeit | Tourism/Travel/Recreation | Tourisme/Voyages/Loisirs | Turismo/Viaggi/Tempo libero |
18 | Transport/Logistik | Transport/Logistics | Transport/Logistique | Trasporti/Logistica |
19 | Rechts-/Wirtschaftsberatung | Legal/Business advice | Conseil en droit/économie | Consulenza legale/consulenza economica |
20 | Versicherungen | Insurance | Assurances | Assicurazioni |
21 | Konsum-/Luxusgüterindustrie | Consumer/Luxury goods industry | Industrie consommation/luxe | Industria dei beni di consumo e dei beni di lusso |
22 | Maschinen-/Anlagenbau | Machine/System construction | Construction machines/installations | Costruzione di macchine utensili/impiantistica |
23 | Medizinaltechnik | Medical Technology | Technologie médicale | Tecnica medicinale |
24 | Personalberatung | Recruitment agency/Staffing | Cabinet de recrutement | Società di reclutamento |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Employment as a percentage of full time |
Field name in XML feed | ANSTELLUNGSGRAD |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Workload for the vacancy |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Employment as a percentage of full time |
Field name in XML feed | ANSTELLUNGSGRAD_BIS |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Workload for the vacancy |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Type of employment |
Field name in XML feed | ANSTELLUNGSART |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters) (separated by colons, e.g. :4: or :4:5:) Example: <ANSTELLUNGSART>:4:5:</ANSTELLUNGSART> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Type of employment for the vacancy |
Click here for the value list ANSTELLUNGSART
ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
1 | Temporär | Temporary | Temporaire | Lavoro temporaneo |
2 | Freelance | Freelance | Indépendent | Freelance |
3 | Praktikum | Stage | Stage | Tirocinio |
4 | Nebenerwerb | Supplementary income | Revenu accessoire | Attività secondaria |
5 | Festanstellung | Unlimited employment | Unlimited employment | Impiego fisso |
6 | Lehrstelle | Apprenticeship | Place de formation | Apprendista |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Language |
Field name in XML feed | SPRACHE |
Transmission details | String, max. 2 characters: de, it, fr, en Example: <SPRACHE>de</SPRACHE> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | The language in which the advertisement is written |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Languages |
Transmission details | SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT and SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU are linked. Up to 3 languages and the required level can be defined in a list separated by colons. The two tags must contain the same number of values. Example “German: mother tongue; French: professional experience”: <SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT>:1:2:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT> <SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU>:1:3:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU> Example “Not specified”: <SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT>:0:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT> <SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU>:0:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Language skills for the vacancy |
Click here for the value list SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT
ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
1 | Deutsch | German | Allemand | Tedesco |
2 | Französisch | French | Français | Francese |
3 | Englisch | English | Anglais | Inglese |
4 | Italienisch | Italian | Italien | Italiano |
5 | Albanisch | Albanian | Albanais | Albanese |
6 | Chinesisch | Chinese | Chinois | Cinese |
7 | Dänisch | Danish | Danois | Danese |
8 | Griechisch | Greek | Grec | Greco |
9 | Finnisch | Finnish | Finois | Finlandese |
10 | Holländisch | Dutch | Hollandais | Olandese |
11 | Indisch | Indian | Indou | Indiano |
12 | Japanisch | Japanese | Japonais | Giapponese |
13 | Mazedonisch | Macedonian | Macédonien | Macedone |
14 | Norwegisch | Norwegian | Norvégien | Norvegese |
15 | Portugiesisch | Portuguese | Portugais | Portoghese |
16 | Rätoromanisch | Rhaeto-romanic | Rhétoromanche | Retroromanzo |
17 | Russisch | Russian | Russe | Russo |
18 | Schwedisch | Swedish | Suédois | Svedese |
19 | Serbisch/Kroatisch | Serbian/Croatian | Serbo/croate | Serbo/croato |
20 | Spanisch | Spanish | Espagnol | Spagnolo |
21 | Türkisch | Turkish | Turque | Turco |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Languags |
Field name in XML feed | SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU |
Transmission details | SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU and SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT are linked. Up to 3 languages and the required level can be defined in a list separated by colons. The two tags must contain the same number of values. Example “German: mother tongue; French: professional experience”: <SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT>:1:2:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT> <SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU>:1:3:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU> Example “Not specified”: <SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT>:0:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_KANDIDAT> <SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU>:0:</SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU> |
Required field | No, but necessary for EQK resistance |
Description | Language skills for the vacancy |
Click here for the value list SPRACHKENNTNIS_NIVEAU
ID | Description DE | Description EN | Description FR | Description IT |
1 | Kenntnis | Knowledge | Élémentaire | Conoscenza |
2 | Berufspraxis | Professional experience | Expérience professionnelle | Pratica professionale |
3 | Verhandlungssicher | Business fluent | Capable de négocier | Negoziabile |
4 | Muttersprache | Native language | Langue maternelle | Lingua madre |
Further, optional XML fields:
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Products |
Field name in XML feed | ANGEBOT |
Transmission details | Integer Maximum of one value per advertisement possible |
Required field | Mandatory if several products have been purchased Example “Advanced slot control”: <ANGEBOT>46</ANGEBOT> |
Description | Fixed offer allocation for the advertisement |
Click here for the value list ANGEBOT
Value | Product | Duration |
44 | Basic slot | According to the contract |
45 | Basic contingent | 31 Days |
46 | Advanced slot | According to the contract |
47 | Advanced contingent | 31 Days |
48 | Ultimate slot | According to the contract |
49 | Ultimate contingent | 45 Days |
50 | Ultimate Plus slot | According to the contract |
51 | Ultimate Plus contingent | 60 Days |
100 | Programmatic Paid | Only for Programmatic |
101 | Programmatic Free | Only for Programmatic |
35 | Starter slot (old product, no longer being sold) | According to the contract |
36 | Starter contingent (old product, no longer being sold) | 31 Days |
37 | Standard slot (old product, no longer being sold) | According to the contract |
38 | Standard contingent (old product, no longer being sold) | 31 Days |
39 | Professional slot (old product, no longer being sold) | According to the contract |
40 | Professional contingent (old product, no longer being sold) | 31 Days |
41 | Expert slot (old product, no longer being sold) | According to the contract |
42 | Expert contingent (old product, no longer being sold) | 31 Days |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Salary from |
Field name in XML feed | GEHALT_VON |
Transmission details | Integer GEHALT_VON, GEHALT_BIS, GEHALT_RATE and GEHALT_SICHTBAR are linked. In order for salary information to be displayed correctly, all fields must be transmitted with correct values. |
Required field | No |
Description | Salary range for the vacancy |
Click here for combination examples GEHALT
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Salary to |
Field name in XML feed | GEHALT_BIS |
Transmission details | Integer GEHALT_VON, GEHALT_BIS, GEHALT_RATE and GEHALT_SICHTBAR are linked. In order for salary information to be displayed correctly, all fields must be transmitted with correct values. |
Required field | No |
Description | Salary range for the vacancy |
Click here for combination examples GEHALT
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Salary Rate per |
Field name in XML feed | GEHALT_RATE |
Transmission details | Allowed values: JAHR, MONAT, WOCHE, STUNDE String GEHALT_VON, GEHALT_BIS, GEHALT_RATE and GEHALT_SICHTBAR are linked. In order for salary information to be displayed correctly, all fields must be transmitted with correct values. |
Required field | No |
Description | Rate salary for the vacancy |
Click here for combination examples GEHALT
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Salary |
Field name in XML feed | GEHALT_SICHTBAR |
Transmission details | Allowed Tags: JA, NEIN String GEHALT_VON, GEHALT_BIS, GEHALT_RATE and GEHALT_SICHTBAR are linked. In order for salary information to be displayed correctly, all fields must be transmitted with correct values. |
Required field | No |
Description | Visibility Salary in the vacancy |
Click here for combination examples GEHALT
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Work location |
Field name in XML feed | STRASSE |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters). If STRASSE is transmitted, PLZ and ORT must also be transmitted. |
Required field | No |
Description | Street (place of work) of the vacancy |
<PLZ> </PLZ>
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Work location |
Field name in XML feed | PLZ |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters). If STRASSE is transmitted, PLZ and ORT must also be transmitted. |
Required field | No |
Description | Zipcode (place of work) of the vacancy |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Logo |
Field name in XML feed | LOGO |
Transmission details | ID option: The logo will be uploaded in the JobCloud tool and generates a specific ID (integer). We will then inform you about the ID. It is also visible in the JobCloud tool. Example: <LOGO>123456</LOGO> URL option: The URL of the logo is transmitted and included in the ad. Example: <LOGO></LOGO> Format specifications: 320×320 pixels or larger in the same ratio (1:1), JPG, GIF or PNG, Max. 3MB, no restriction on the number of characters. The focus of the image should be in the center of the image. Images that are too large will be scaled down proportionally (no image cropping). Images that are too small will be rejected (the advertisement will still go online). In principle, we recommend that you do not deviate from this format in order to achieve optimum results. The website must allow the file to be downloaded (no restriction of the user agent). |
Required field | No |
Description | The ID or the URL of the logo to be used for the advertisement publication |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Banner Picture |
Field name in XML feed | BANNER |
Transmission details | ID option: The banner will be uploaded in the JobCloud tool and generates a specific ID (integer). We will inform you about the ID. It is also visible in the JobCloud tool. Example: <BANNER>123456</BANNER> URL option: The URL of the banner is transmitted and included in the ad. Example: <BANNER></BANNER> Format specifications: 1200×400 pixels or larger in the same ratio (3:1), JPG, GIF or PNG, max. 3MB, no restriction on the number of characters. The focus of the image should be in the center of the image. Images that are too large will be cropped proportionally from the center of the image. Images that are too small will be rejected (the advertisement will still go online). In principle, we recommend that you do not deviate from this format in order to achieve optimum results. The website must allow the file to be downloaded (no restriction of the user agent). |
Required field | No |
Description | The ID or the URL of the banner to be used for the advertisement publication |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Video |
Field name in XML feed | VIDEO |
Transmission details | ID option: The video will be uploaded in the JobCloud tool and generates a specific ID (integer). We will then inform you about the ID. It is also visible in the JobCloud tool. Example: <VIDEO>123456</VIDEO> URL option: The URL of the video is transmitted and included in the ad. Example: <VIDEO></VIDEO> Format specifications: Youtube or Vimeo link (no “shorts”). The video must allow external embedding. No restriction on the number of characters. |
Required field | No |
Description | The ID or the URL of the video to be used for the advertisement publication |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Company name |
Field name in XML feed | FIRMA |
Transmission details | String, max. 60 Bytes (≈ approx. 60 Characters) |
Required field | No |
Description | The name of the company where the vacancy is open. If the field is left blank, the information from the account is used. |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Contact person |
Field name in XML feed | USER_KONTAKT_ID |
Transmission details | Integer The ID’s are communicated after the contact has been set up. The ID can also be seen in the JobCloud tool. For example: <USER_KONTAKT_ID>123456</USER_KONTAKT_ID> |
Required field | No |
Description | The ID of the contact to be used for the advertisement publication |
Picture specification | Min. 144×173 Pixel, JPG, GIF or PNG, max. 1MB / max. 8 Pixels |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Email address on the job ad |
Field name in XML feed | |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters) Example: <EMAIL></EMAIL> |
Required field | No |
Description | E-mail address for applications that is linked to our “Apply” button. Clicking on the button opens our application form in a new tab. Applications are also available in the ATS. |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | URL application form |
Field name in XML feed | BEWERBEN_URL |
Transmission details | String, max. 255 Bytes (≈ approx. 255 Characters) |
Required field | No |
Description | URL to the application form for the advertised vacancy. Links to our “Apply” button. Clicking on the button opens the external URL in a new tab. |
<URL> </URL>
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | URL company website |
Field name in XML feed | URL |
Transmission details | String, max. 100 Bytes (≈ approx. 100 Characters). Protocol specification (https://) mandatory. Example: <URL></URL> |
Required field | No |
Description | URL to the website of the company advertising the vacancy |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | ARBEITGEBER PDL |
Field name in XML feed | ARBEITGEBER_PDL |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters) |
Required field | No |
Description | Joker field, for example if a cost center is to be noted per advertisement (is not published) |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Lead |
Field name in XML feed | VORSPANN |
Transmission details | Supported Tags: <a>, <b>, <br>, <em>, <h1> to <h6>, <li>, <p>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol> Important: <h1> to <h2> are displayed with font size 20px and <h3> to <h6> with 18px. |
Required field | No |
Description | Introductory text for vacancy, for example a short company description |
Transmission details | String, max. 256 Bytes (≈ ca. 256 Characters) Must be a URL with HTTP or HTTPS The URL is called with a GET request when an ad is displayed or an application is started (there may be a delay) The URLs should return an HTTP status code of 204 No Content (or another 2XX status code with no or minimal content). The calling IP, cookies sent and similar data when calling should not be evaluated, as these can change without prior notice. |
Required field | No |
Description | Webhook URL for calling up events on job platforms |
Field name in Admin (for manual publication in JobCloud tool) | Kampagne |
Field name in XML feed | KAMPAGNE |
Transmission details | String, max. 50 Bytes (≈ approx. 50 Characters) |
Required field | No |
Description | For the programmatic product (offer 100 & 101), values for campaign management can also be transmitted. |
Values | Open, e.g. High, Medium, Low |