Technical Solutions

Specifications for crawlers


Every career page is structured different. If you are interested in a crawler, please contact us and let us know which career site you would like to crawl. We will clarify whether your site meets the technical requirements and whether a crawler can be set up.

Incoming and quality control (EQK)

For advertisements to go online on our platforms, they must meet certain criteria and contain specific information. This categorization is essential for the search results on the platforms as well as for matching with potential candidates. The crawler can read content details such as job title and ad text, but cannot set categories. The advertisements are therefore sent to the control pool of our incoming and quality control department. Our employees have to manually check, complete and approve the advertisements individually (working hours on weekdays, 06.00 – 19.00). This additional work can delay publication by several hours and incurs additional costs. Crawled advertisements must undergo this process.

If you have any further questions, please visit our FAQ please contact us.


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